Mosbuild2023-Ouger PVC film

Mosbuild2023-Ouger PVC film


Ouger’s PVC foil was showcased at the Mosbuild 2023 exhibition. Our PVC foil is unique because it is eco-friendly with ultra-low VOC and made from the best materials. 

If you’re looking for a way to make your home or office more stylish and eco-friendly, look no further than Ouger’s PVC foil. Our eco-friendly PVC foil is perfect for home decoration and furniture. It is made from soybean oil instead of phthalates, which makes it biodegradable and does not release harmful chemicals into the environment.

In addition to being eco-friendly, our PVC foil is also high-quality and durable. It is resistant to wear and tear, which means that it will last longer than traditional PVC foils and will not need to be replaced as often. Our PVC foil is also versatile and can be used for a wide range of applications.